Save Me

Save Me - Tiffany Snow I liked how the series ended. Things are never as black and white as they appear to be and the ending was a believable twist/HEA. What I didn't like was the choice she made in men. I felt like that was only done because Jackson is the biggest dud she's ever written and there's no way in hell he could be a leading man for a new series. Literally, all of the reasons China listed for choosing Jackson are reasons she should have gone with Clark. I'm not even Team Clark or Team Jackson for a second there I was thinking she and Kade were gonna get it on, it was just stupid. It was clearly just so she could write more books with a character we all already like.

Snow is absolutely one of my favorite authors. There are very few authors I buy everything they publish but Tiffany Snow books are dependable as hell, you know they are always going to be a great read. God, I hope you aren't turning into a Janet Evanovich. =(